Hi everybody, it's been forever! This hardly means I've been inactive, quite the contrary, I've just been too busy to maintain this blog which is why I'm delighted to let you know about my totally re-done website, www.jakereichbart.com.
www.jakereichbart.com is effectively now the place I display all news updates in a blog style. A comprehensive calendar is available as well, in addition to info about my many video lessons, making this blog space, in effect, redundant. I am leaving it up for now mostly so you can see this update and go asap to www.jakereichbart.com and also, if you were interested, so you can see some of the past posts. Anyway, please bookmark www.jakereichbart.com and visit regularly!
But wait, there's more!! I have a new Facebook fan page as well, please go there and like it! Sometimes I post different updates there, plus you may be a FB type person and would prefer your updates that way.
Along the way, I have posted countless new videos at my YouTube channel (click here!). This is just my latest:
All right! Stay in touch, you can email me at jake.reichbart@gmail.com